Monday, December 30, 2013

Star Wall Hanging

Hi All,

I have been quilting quite a few wall hangings lately. All are very different, but all were a lot of fun. I'm starting with this one simply because I can access the pics. The others are stuck on my old phone. So, when I get them switched around, I will post them also.

For this quilt I used Quilter's Dream Blend and 1/2 thickness Wool and Superior's So-Fine threads.

Here's a pic of my design process. I place a piece of plexiglass over the quilt and draw my designs with a marker. When I'm happy with the design, I go for it.

Here's the completed quilt.

Hope you enjoyed the pics. God Bless and have an awesome New Year.  K

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Hi Quilters,

I hope this post finds you all at peace and on schedule this holiday season.
Sometimes, often times, simple is better. That is how I feel about this quilting design. All it is, is e's and l's. Very simple,very effective, and a lot of fun to quilt.  I really like this one and hope you do too. K

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Red and Grey Flannel Quilt

Hi Everyone,

In checking my photos to post, I realized I have to do much better at picture taking. I somehow missed taking a  photo of the whole quilt.  Here's what I have. This quilt is so soft and cozy and I just love the colors.  I will try to do much better in the future. K

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

All God's Creatures

Here is a quilt I recently did. I found the blocks at an estate sale some years ago along with the book but decided to use what was already done and call it a wall hanging. I was short 1 block, so I improvised and quilted a couple of dragonflies in the middle block. I used the sashing and thicker border to simulate a window. I had alot of fun quilting it. Hope you like.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Becky's Drunkard's Path wall hanging

Hey Everyone,
     I think there are certain patterns, as well as colors that we gravitate to. I for 1 love the Drunkard's Path pattern. Becky has chosen to do a modern placement with beautiful, rich colored batiks. She also did a great job on the curves.
     If you haven't tried curved piecing yet, give it a try. You may find it's not as hard as you think. Enjoy the pics. K

Monday, April 8, 2013

Quilted Pillow

Hey Quilters,
     This is the pillow that goes with the 1000 Pyramids quilt. It wasn't my plan to follow the quilt with the pillow, it just happened. I guess it's all in the timing. I had put this pillow top together in December but kind of got busy and forgot about it until recently. I pieced it using scraps leftover from the quilt. The border is my favorite fabric at the moment. I just love it. Anyway, it was supposed to be a simple pillow, sew front to back, done. Then, I got this idea to put a strip around the middle. Here's how it came out.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Hello and Welcome,

As this is my 1st blog post, I was putting way too much thought into how I would start and what I would say. Finally, I had a lightbulb moment and was struck by the obvious----begin with the quilt I used for my blog header. I've know for some time that when I had a web presence I wanted the color orange, and this 1000 Pyramids quilt fit the bill.

I made this quilt for my granddaughter, who mentioned some years ago, that she loved orange. In January of 2012, I started shopping for light and dark fat quarters that contained orange. That was the prerequisite, they had to contain orange. I gave myself 1 year as it was a sweet sixteen birthday gift and she was born on Christmas. When it came to putting it together, I put all my pyramids in a basket and picked without looking. This was tough but I stuck to it. The quilting I decided upon is an edge to edge design called "Fantasia". I'm very happy with the results and more importantly, she is too. I hope you enjoy the pics and will stop back in to see what's next. K